lyla Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of MNT (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") has been changed and will take effect on October 8, 2022. Privacy Policy of lyla is intended to explain how and for how and for what reasons the service uses your personal data.

1. Items and methods of collecting personal information

lyla collects information for the purpose of providing the best experience when using the lyla service. Information that is considered as personal data is collected from the user in the following cases.

‘Company’ can collect user’s name, gender, profile picture, language, local information, email address, and the country information set up on its mobile device while user signs up for the membership registration to provide a smooth customer consultation, and various services. ‘Company’ can also collect your friends list as optional. Contact information and delivery information may be collected during the process of handling customer inquiries and proceeding events. Information that is automatically generated and collected while using service can be collected such as IP Address, Cookie, Visit Date, Service Usage Record, Bad Usage Record, Mobile Service Information, Hardware ID, Advertisement ID, Service Usage Basic Statistics, Application Installation and Usage History, and User Location Information when agreeing to Location Based Service Terms.

Method of collecting Personal Information

‘Company’ collects personal information in the following ways to provide service.

  • Collect while running or using the lyla service.
  • Collect while requesting a support from the lyla customer support team
  • Provision from partner companies
  • Collection through tracking tools

Consignment of processing personal information

The company is transferring personal information to oversea company to provide the services. We manage and supervise personal information so that it can be safely managed in accordance with relevant laws.

Google Inc

  • Country: United States
  • Date and method of transfer: When personal information needs to be processed, it is transmitted through the network
  • Contents of Transfer: Infrastructure Consignment, Statistical Analysis
  • Recipient:
  • Personal information to be transferred: Personal information mentioned in the privacy policy
  • Period of retention and use of personal information: Termination of service registration or the end of the consignment contract

2. Purpose of personal information collection and utilization

lyla will minimize the data collection and limit its use and purpose only to (1) the permitted authority, the extent necessary for users to interact with services such as purchases, and (c) the required or permitted level by legal requirements or other legal purposes. These uses include:

  • To help users use the service smoothly
  • To identify users and prevent fraudulent use of services
  • To produce statistical data on service use
  • For surveys and analysis needed to improve service
  • Draw and send gifts for campaigns, events, etc.
  • To identify user himself/herself and respond to inquiries from users
  • To make important announcements as necessary
  • For the delivery of advertising information, such as events
  • To pay for purchases of goods, pay for paid services, and make claims

In most cases, the collected data is statistical data about how users use the lyla service and is not associated with personal data. However, if it can be a personal data or a data associated with personal data, it will be treated appropriately as specified in the Privacy Policy.

3. Sharing and providing personal information

The company does not provide users' personal information to the outside. Exceptions are made in the following cases.

  • In case of users agreed in advance
  • In case of the provisions of the statute

‘Company’ may request the following trustees to perform services related to this Site, including database management, maintenance services, analysis, marketing, data processing, and distribution of email and text messages. These trustees have access to user information only for the purpose of performing entrusted matters on behalf of ‘Company’.

  • Google Analytics: Data Analytics and Data Processing for Service Operations
  • Crashlytics : Data Analytics and Data Processing for Service Operations

4. Period of retention and utilization for personal information

In principle, 'company' destroys users' personal information without delay when the purpose of collecting and using personal information is achieved. The personal information printed on the paper is shredded with a shredder, and the personal information stored in the form of an electronic file is deleted using a technical method that cannot be reproduced. However, personal information can be kept for a certain period of time if it is necessary to preserve it in accordance with the provisions of the relevant statutes.

5. Methods for the protection, storage, and storage of personal information

lyla stores and protects the personal data during sending, and after receiving and storing according to generally accepted standards. In addition, the company takes the following technical and administrative measures to ensure safety so that personal information is not lost, stolen, leaked, altered or damaged when handling users' personal information.

  • The company stores and manages safely in accordance with the relevant legal regulations or internal policies.
  • The company uses the latest vaccine program to prevent users' personal information or data from being leaked or damaged, and enables safe transmission of personal information on the network through encrypted communications. We use intrusion prevention system to control unauthorized access from the outside, and we strive to have all possible technical devices to ensure security systemically.
  • The company's personal information handling staff is limited to those in charge, and we always emphasize compliance with the personal information handling policy through frequent training for those in charge.
  • We strive to correct any problems found immediately by checking the implementation of this Privacy Policy and compliance of the person in charge through the in-house Personal Information Protection Department.

To easily view, update, and delete your personal data, please log in to your account and check 'Account Settings'. If a user data deletion request is required and that data is essential to the product or service purchased, the deletion request is accepted when the purchased service no longer requires data and no longer requires records under the contract. For more information, you can contact the privacy department. (

6. Rights of users and legal representatives and their methods of exercise

If you have registered personal information for service use, you can inquire, modify, or delete your personal information at any time. For the personal information of children under the age of 14, the legal representative may inquire, modify, and delete the personal information of children on behalf of the child. If the user requests correction of personal information errors, he/she will not use or provide such personal information until the correction is completed. In addition, if the wrong personal information has already been provided to a third party, we will notify the third party of the correction without delay so that the correction can be made. The company processes personal information revoked or deleted at the request of the user or his/her legal representative as specified in the "4. Period of retention and utilization for personal information " and not allowed to be viewed or used for other purposes.

7. Matters regarding the installation, operation and rejection of the automatic collection device for personal information

The company uses 'cookie' to store and retrieve user information frequently to provide personalized and customized services to individual users.

Purpose of using cookie
Target marketing and personalized services are provided through the analysis of access frequency and visiting time of members and non-members, identification of users' tastes and interests, traceability, degree of participation in various events, and number of visits

To reject cookie settings
Users can reject to install cookies. However, if you reject to install cookies, it may be difficult to use some services that require sign-in.
- How to reject (IE based): Tools at the top of the web browser > Internet Options > Personal Information > Block Site

8. Scope of application

Processing personal information conducted by other operators, such as partner websites or mobile services linked to the lyla service, is not within the scope of this Privacy Policy.

9. Revision of Privacy Policy

lyla reserves the right to modify the privacy policy at any time. If there is any addition or deletion or modification of the privacy policy, 'Company' will disclose the changes at least seven days in advance through the notice area of company's website/service, or any other easy-to-understand methods. However, we will notify you at least 30 days in advance for the changes that are important to the user's rights or obligations.

10. Data Protection Agency

If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA) and think that personal data held by lyla is subject to General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), you can ask questions directly to the following organizations or file a complaint:


11. Inquiries to the department dedicated to personal information protection

If you have any questions/complaints/consultations regarding this Privacy Policy, you can contact the department in charge of personal information protection.


Date of enactment: October 8, 2022

Personal Information Protection Officer

  • Name: Jung-hee Lee
  • Position: Managing Director
  • Contact: